Wednesday, 12th June 2024
This year’s visit is to an RHS affiliated garden in Fletching on a private tour.
A garden of formal and romantic planting, enhancing the character of the 17th century house with a significant eighteenth-century façade. The tree lined lawn overlooks parkland leading to an eye-catching column on the distant hill.
The garden is of about six acres divided by hedges into smaller gardens reflecting periods of English Garden design. Starting with a small knot garden, an Elizabethan herb garden with camomile paths and turf seats, a potager, wild flower meadow, a pre-Raphaelite allee of white wisteria, clematis and lilies, broad double borders of white and blue, the enclosed garden of old roses trained at nose height so that one can enjoy the scent, and a twentieth century swimming pool encircled by an arcade of apples.
New gardens are continuing: a small, shady glade, a canal garden, an orchard underplanted with crinum and an 18th Century Banqueting Hall.
The day will start in Mayfield at 11.30am and transport will be either in a minibus or shared private cars. First stop will be at midday at Denniker’s Farm Shop and Café for lunch (cost NOT included) and then a short drive to Clinton Lodge for the tour at 2pm. This will take approximately 2-3 hours and include some light refreshments. We should be back in Mayfield by 5.30/6pm.
The price of the tour is £14 per person and there will be some modest additional costs for lunch, the hire of the minibus or mileage contributions.
To register interest for this trip please print out this page and complete the form below and return it by 24th May at the latest to Claire Montagu, Airlie Cottage, Old Lane, Mayfield TN20 6AU, or email her at or phone 01435 872648.
Name________________________________email address___________________________
Tel number____________________________Mobile number_________________________
Subject to availability I would prefer to travel by Minibus*/Private car*/I am happy to drive* (Please delete as applicable)
I will be car sharing with_____________________________________________________
Payment of £14 to be either cash*/cheque*/bank transfer*. Cheques made payable to “Mayfield Horticultural and Gardeners Association”. Transfers ref “Summer Trip” to
Barclays Bank Sort code 20-88-13 Account number 10685259